Falling in love againIt is not possible to fall in love without falling. Falling means the solid ground I stand on breaks away, and without it, life becomes a…Feb 6, 2023Feb 6, 2023
3 Minuten im WaldVöllig surreal kommt es mir vor, jetzt um kurz nach 22 Uhr durch die Stadt Richtung Wald zu radeln. Ich habe Angst und gleichzeitig kann…Nov 2, 2022Nov 2, 2022
Not good enoughAn edge witch is one who makes her living on the edges, in that moment when boundary conditions apply — between life and death, light and…Jul 10, 2021Jul 10, 2021
What you need for exiting the PatriarchyUntil about 8 months ago, I wasn’t aware of how my life is shaped by Patriarchy; I wasn’t aware of the opportunities and advantages being…Apr 9, 2021Apr 9, 2021